Egyptian and German anthropologists present the findings of their investigation at the Matrya Sun Temple in the historic city of Near Cairo is Heliopolis-Egypt.
One of the oldest cities in ancient Egypt, Heliopolis originally meant "city of the sun." The sun deity Atum's temples, known as helioplies, date back to the predynastic period. of Kheperkare Nakhtnebef The temple was erected by the 30th dynasty as a dedication gift, and Ra and Horus later recognised it.
The Leipzig University Institute of Egyptology collaborates with the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities. has found further remains while doing excavations close to the Matriya Open Museum.
Eras; the 18th Dynasty's final Egyptian pharaoh.
1. Remains of floors made entirely of ash
2.White ash
3. mud-brick buildings,
4. A quartzite rock dating back to Horemheb's reign,
A pharaoh from the 26th Dynasty, stonework from Psamtik II's reign, limestone floors, an unnamed royal statue, and other discoveries through excavating
5. the base of the statue of King Ramses II, and 6. a massive engraving on red granite.
Member of the Egyptian Museum at Leipzig University, Dr. Dietrich Raue, stated:
excavation is successful and we find priceless items.
1. Locate some King Ramses II statues made of quartz stone.
2. A relic from Ramses IX's time in power.
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